Watch Out for the Pro Lash Free Trial

Pro Lash Deceptive Business Practices

Deceptive business practices for beauty products are on the rise. If you follow my blog, you will see that I wrote one similar to this regarding the deceptive practices of AuraVie Ultimate Skin Therapy. It is no surprise to me that Pro Lash uses the same “Free Trial” scam to pull in customers.

How the Pro Lash Scam Works:

When you go online to order the Pro Lash product, they offer a trial order for $1 + shipping and handling. It normally comes out to around $7 total. Not a bad deal right? You get the whole Pro Lash trial kit for that price. That is hard for anyone looking into beauty products to pass up. What have you got to loose?

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So, you end up paying the $7 for the Pro Lash kit and it arrives in the mail. It only takes about a week to show up. Sure, it might be a great product, but what happens after the order is where the problems start. First off, it takes a week or more to receive your order. You get your product in the mail and all seems well. Then you take a look at your credit card statement and find a charge for $119. So, what happened to the $1 trial. How did it go from $1 to $119?

Pro Lash Hides Behind the Fine Print

How many of you actually read all the fine print in the terms and conditions when signing up for something or placing an online order? I bet it’s not many of you. I sure don’t. Well, this is how you get hit by Pro Lash. In their “Terms”, they state that if you receive your trial and do not cancel within 14 days, you have to pay the full price of the product. Many people claim that they try to cancel within a few days and still get rejected on their refund request. In looking further into it, I found out why that occurs. The 14 days you are given to cancel starts from the day you place the order. In most cases, it takes about 10 days to receive your order which only leaves you with 4 days to cancel.

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Something Needs to Be Done!!

If you take a look at my blogs, there are similar beauty products on the internet that are doing the exact same thing. As mentioned above, AuraVie Skin Therapy is one of those. Luckily, the BBB and FTC have been receiving numerous complaints from customers that have fallen victim to Pro Lash as well as many other websites selling beauty products. It is my hope that the FTC will crack down on these websites and either take them down or have them place the 14 day disclaimer where it is easily seen. In the mean time, I hope that consumers will do some research and look at blogs such as this one prior to ordering such products.

By admin